Monday 5 July 2010

Adolescent Depression - Art

This art shoot was a commission based job on Adolescent Depression. Shot on a 35mm DSLR, this shoot was a little tricky as the backgrounds are projections on a studio wall. So to highlight faces or pieces of the body flash couldn't be used or the background would be blown out. So shooting on ambient light the speed was quiet low. This creates a blur to some of the model movements which adds to the relationship to the location images and the purpose of the images.

The purpose of these abstract, lost, abrupt images is to place to the viewer in the shoes of some adolescents that may be finding life a little hard. These images shows how a teenager might view the world or might want to view the world at this time. There is also a repetition through all six images of the teens face not being completely viewed. I added this reflex because they may feel like their not being seen or noticed or they might not want to be seen or noticed. The B+W adds the feeling of a rundown soul with the gloomy back images and without a touch of colour this adds a feeling to the viewer that colour just might be what they need in their lives.

Heaps of thanks to Kristina for the modelling.